The following represents the terms of service between and parties wishing to purchase products from this web site. Please read these terms and conditions prior to placing an order, as they constitute a legally binding agreement.

  1. Age – Should an individual wish to order services from that individual must be at least 18 years of age, the minimum age by which one may enter legally binding contracts in one’s own name.
  2. Copyright – Tad Coffin will own all copyrights to all art works sold. The purchaser of art from this site is in no way purchasing any right to reproduction for any purpose without express written consent.
  3. Payment – accepts payment in the following formats:

    Credit Card
    Money Order

    Orders may be placed via this web site or over the phone. Orders placed via this web site will be processed via PayPal, including the following payment methods: PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Orders placed by phone will be processed via Square, including the following payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, or UnionPay.

    Note that residents of California will be charged an addition 7.75% sales tax prior to checkout.

  4. Data Collection and Cookies – By using this site, you agree to allow this site to collect anonymous data about your visit. This data is used primarily for tracking user analytics (traffic patterns) and for security purposes. By submitting forms on this site, you also consent to allowing the site to collect specific user data via user-filled fields such as a contact form and order form. This site never stores nor collects user payment data. All payment data for purchases on this site are processed via PayPal’s secure site. All user submitted data is transmitted via SSL encryption and stored in a secure database.
  5. Limitation of Liability – Under no circumstances will be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages resulting from the use of services or purchase of products from this site.
  6. Refund Policy – TadCoffinArt accepts returns for up to 30 days of delivery, with the buyer paying return postage. If you are not completely satisfied, just send your purchased item or items back and pay return shipping. Due to the unique nature of custom orders, there are no refunds on custom works.
  7. About these Terms – may modify these terms or add additional terms that apply to our services or products as necessary for business operations or compliance with the law. It is your responsibility to review these terms. Any disputes that might arise out these terms will be litigated exclusively in the federal or state courts of San Bernardino County, California, USA